Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday {6}

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and it features the top ten books that comes to your mind under a certain category announced each week. This week's category is:

Top Ten Sites I Read That Aren't Book-Related

This is a fairly simple TTT this week! Here's ten other sites I visit that aren't about books:

1. Facebook - Almost everyone has a Facebook! Although I will say I haven't been using it

much lately.

2. AOL - I use AOL to read news and for checking my personal e-mail. :b

3. Live/MSN - I use this to check more news and check my book blog e-mail.

4. Tumblr - An amazing site with gorgeous quotes and pictures. A must for me!

5. omgpop - I'm embarrassed to say that I do play games on omgpop.com when I feel like relaxing. :)

6. Furry-Paws - As most of you know, I am obsessed with dogs so it only makes sense to come on here once in a while.

7. Twitter - A lot of people tweet almost 10 or 15 times a day, but I never know what to say in my tweets, lol!

8. Youtube - Another go-to place when I want to unwind and watch funny videos.

9. Etsy - Used to look around for great items, as well as try to sell my own. :)

10. lookbook.nu - I love all the amazing looks and fashion on this website. For my girlier side :b

What's your TTT? Comment below!

Don't forget to join my various giveaways!!
Goosebumps Galore (Ends 5/30)
The Babysitter's Club (Ends 5/30)


  1. Etsy's on mine too and I am just starting to get into Tumblr! Right now I mostly use tumblr secondhand, re-pinning things in Pinterest, but it's only a matter of time...

  2. What a great list! I can spend hours browsing on Etsy.
    Angela @ AJ Arndt Books Blog


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